Monday, July 31, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Show business news
A legend returns.......
The famous Norwich puppeteer whose act consists of waving soft toys in the faces of passers by while his cassette recorder plays 'hits' of the 1970s. This is my first sighting of him in two years. He has been doing this since the seventies.
I will allow no derogatory comments about this individual and will delete any that are written. Even our local paper The Eastern Evening News allowed local humourist and ex-Niven Twin Karl Minns devote half a page to denegrating this man in his imitatable back-of-the-classroom way that allows the stronger to pick on the weaker. One can only presume that unlike the management teams of Jarrolds or of John Lewis our puppet master does not advertise in the paper and is thus a felt a suitable target for the searing satirical wit for which The Minge is so famous.
This is some of what he said to me. (in a Norridge accent that I will not even try to reproduce.)
"I was down there but the Scottish bag piper wanted my pitch so I said I would move. Well you've got to show respect to other buskers don't you? And he gave me three pounds for my pitch which mean't I only have to take two more pounds for to have ten pounds and when I have ten pounds I take it in and bank it. Thats not bad is it? Ten pounds."
(Nods at the market) "When I was a young puppetryeer and played my tapes if the fruit and veg people didn't like my music the stallholders would throw tomatoes at me. And I would pick them up, take them home and wash them and fry them up for my tea - lessen they hit me when I would leave them"
Almost without exception the face of everyone who passed him showed astonishment if they had not seen him and his act before or a smile of recognition if they had. In a short time he had made his ten pounds and trotted off to the bank.
(Hopefully some drone at the Eastern Evening News does a google search every day to find out what people think of their paper and will find out the contempt I hold for their rag. (Not such a far fetched idea I know for a fact that someone from the Norwich Union press office has this function for that insurance group) To help them with their search terms I will spell it out. I HATE THE EASTERN EVENING NEWS.)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
What joy to live in a National Park

The figurehead on the 'Good Ship Venus' - Norwich Yacht Station, originally uploaded by Colonel Blink.
It is good to see modern holidaymakers keeping up the ancient traditions of Arthur Ransome's hullaballoos. It is quite amazing to ponder that one week's holiday on the Broads is equal (in terms of cost) to three weeks in Spain and how do the majority spend it? On the evidence of what happens at the Norwich Yacht Station most of the time is spent watching television which seems a bit of a waste. This boat, for example, had two televisions both switched on and blaring out across the water.
And another thing. Anyone else noticed how the old buggers at the Broads Authority are gradually replacing the fine Norfolk word Staithe with the word 'quay' in all their signage. That is what happens, I guess, when you let a load of dussy furrinners from the Midlands takeover over the running of the area.