Which reminds me. One of the legends floating around is that punk era singer/songwriter Wreckless Eric can be found busking in Norwich City. I've never seen him and not sure I would recognise him these days. The story goes that three years ago he applied for a job as a delivery driver with Rainbow Wholefoods. They turned him down. This is NOT a photo of Wreckless Eric. Er I think.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The Adam & Eve pub, Norwich
Friday, May 12, 2006
Just Willie
Artist, Sculptor, engineer, furniture maker, motor mechanic, Violin maker, toy maker, etc.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A Shady Shady Lane
It's thirty years since you could buy anything in the Walnut Tree Shades from knocked off jewellry to fake MOTs yet Old Post Office Court in which the pub is set still retains a furtive quality. People don't seem to merely walk down it; they scuttle.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Picture yourself on a path by a river..........
Fifteen klicks outside Pont L'Eveque, on a footpath by a river we meet a wandering French cheese vendor. He is wearing a blue smock, clogs, a pair of brown neatly pressed trousers, a red scarf and a top hat. In his arms he carries two baskets full of cheese and a red umbrella with a wooden handle carved in the shape of a bird's head. Behind him is an unsafe jetty, an unlikely looking wood and in the far distance we can glimpse hilly meadows. The whole scene is bathed in hyper-real colours. On the man's (rouged?) lips there is fixed a smile.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Guitar Doodling & Noodling
These are two photos I took of the same busker that I am very pleased with.
When ever I get too full of myself I go to Brian Ledgard's flickr pages to quickly discern the difference between myself and a photographer. He is so good I may have to kill him.
Here is a link to his pages of Folk Musician photographs. Just Click on the little pictures to make them big.
Richard Thompson is here
K T Tunstall is here
47 live performances are here
The 2006 BBC folk awards are here
A graphic project he is sharing with John Tams is here
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
All Saints Hethel, "Little America"
It is very moving to find this monument in a quiet, isolated and very green English country churchyard; It brings home to one that not so long ago this place was, however improbably, at the centre of a great battle.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Listeria Hysteria Revisited or The Return Of The Killer Chicken
It was my own fault; I was doing the shopping and was holding a Rainbow Wholefoods Bag for life and I think she got the wrong idea about me. This person in the black skirt striking the pose is (I think) a Petra press spokesperson. I have never been so flattered as when she mistook me for a press photographer. (It must be the blood rimmed eyes and the smell of alcohol). I felt almost guilty disabusing her and I am not certain she believed me any way
She kept following me offering this press release. I did consider digging into my bag and using the Pickerings Organic Sausages I had got for Master Blink's tea in much the same way as Van Helsing uses a cross and garlic against Count Dracula but decided this was probably a bit over the top.
As far as I could ascertain they had got dressed up as a publicity stunt and had informed the press they would be there but the press were not biting.
I think the fix is in with such photo-opportunities as our "betters" are doing everything to prevent panic in the streets where bird flu is concerned. Somewhat unsuccessfully.
But hang on a minute. We must not laugh too much. This was not a harmless bit of eccentric behaviour. These people were dressing up for a purpose. They are trying to make you, I and our children scared. They are exploiting peoples fears - by wearing what is supposed to look like biohazard suits - to push their views on vegetarianism. They are not bothered that you cannot catch bird flu by eating poultry. Their purpose is soley to push their agenda by feeding upon our fears. Like all tuppenny-halfpenny zealots they are less concerned with the truth than with conversion.