These images come from two bonfires at Poplar Farm, Waxham this year.
(Sometimes called "Norwich-On-Sea" Poplar Farm, Waxham provides a low cost anarchic camp site. (a kind of rock festival unencumbered by bands)Occasionally, usually at the weekend, there are communal bonfires. These are images from two held this year.

There is nothing better than a communal bonfire and an ample supply of alcohol for letting ones hair down. Perhaps they should be supplied on the National Health.

The first image of the burning guy : After a day and a night of gale force winds and heavy rain, the sun almost came out. This was the second gale in five days and the kids were going stir crazy stuck in the tents. On the day after to lift their spirits we let them build a bonfire in the shape of the Black Pearl complete with a 'guy' representing Captain Jack. By next morning another wind had sprung up and we saw more tents blown down.
The other images are of one of the regular weekend bonfires; this particular one made by one of the most persistant bonfire builders known as Tiny. Tiny is a Waxham regular and "character"; he has his name for the same reason Little John was called 'Little'. He is also a fine singer of off-colour songs and has a love of bonfires that borders on pyromania.

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