Thursday, March 15, 2007

Getting Permission

You have to be careful with Lizzie; sometimes she is as docile as a kitten at others it takes three policemen to hold her down. The trick is to let her talk to you and gauge how she is.
"Can you spare some change Sir?"
"How are you doing? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine and how are you"
"I'm OK - I'm a bit tired thats all. I get a bit tired"
So far so good. On past experience I will either get screamed at and leave with an earful of profanities or smiled upon. I gabble "Can I take your photograph?" I pull my camera round to show it to her.
"Of course dear, let me get straight." Up till now she had been fully lying down. She pulls herself up and tries to arrange her clothes, her blanket, her hair. I have time to take one photograph before the smile starts to disappear and her body language says she is bored now. I thank her and leave. She lies down again.

Lizzie is in her early forties.

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